International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)
The ISEE Europe Chapter was established by the ISEE Council in March 2012. Its mission is to promote contact between and action by European members of ISEE on matters related to environmental health research, education in environmental epidemiology, and the improvement of public health in Europe. To support the mission, the aims of the Europe Chapter include promoting:
The Europe Chapter includes all 53 European countries currently corresponding to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European region. All current members of ISEE based in one of those countries are automatically members of the ISEE Europe Chapter unless they opt out. Europe Chapter Bylaws Europe Chapter Action Plan |
News and Events ISEE Special Interest Group on Pesticides and Health Those interested in joining the new ISEE Special Interest Group on Pesticides and Health, please contact Konstantinos Makris ISEE Special Interest Group on Noise and Health This new Special Interest Group on Noise and Health will be in collaboration with the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise. Please contact Danielle Vienneau if interested in taking part. We have a new European Councilor Congratulations to Bénédicte Jacquemin who has been elected as the European Councilor for ISEE! We have a new Elected member Congratulations to Anna Oudin who is the newest Elected Member of the Europe Chapter! All members welcome on monthly ISEE Europe Chapter calls! Want to contribute to your Chapter's activities? Come join our ISEE Europe Chapter monthly calls. Contact Elaine Fuertes for information. Health Effects Institute Conference The Health Effects Institute is now accepting abstracts for its annual conference. Work not funded by the HEI is also welcome! New joint ERS - ISEE membership Join both societies and get a discount on yearly memberships. Funding for Climate and Health Wellcome has announced the ‘Climate and Health Award: Advancing climate mitigation solutions with health co-benefits in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)', with grants of up to 2 million. Cleaner air for the EU by 2030 Ambient Air Quality Directive entered into force in Dec, 2024, aligning 2030 EU air quality standards more closely with WHO recommendations ISEE lettter to EU Environment ministers Call to accelerate action for clear air for health instead of delaying. |